Financial Counseling

LSS Financial Counseling offers an array of services that will assist in developing financial literacy. These services include the following areas of expertise.

Budget and Debt Counseling

A certified financial counselor will assist in evaluating their current financial situation, development of a budget and plan of action to achieve financial goals, provide encouragement and support to keep the resident on track, exploration of consolidation of payments, and provide tools to help them stay on track.

Debt Management Plans

One of the many tools provided by LSS to assist in paying down debt. A Debt Management Plan (DMP) is developed between the resident and LSS Financial Counseling Services which can stop late fees, reduce interest rates, and assist in getting out of debt faster. Along the way, LSS will continue to provide financial counseling to assist in creating positive money habits for the future and keep the client from going back into debt.

Credit Report Review

Review with a certified counselor to assist in the education of and understanding of a credit report, and creation of an individualized action plan to improve their credit score.

Financial Education

LSS provides over 20 different financial education workshops relating to money management, credit, and consumer protection issues. Workshops can also be tailored to a specific group request. Financial literacy class series are offered covering topics such as budgeting to create savings, debt reduction and asset building, improving credit scores, and consumer protection and financial institutions.

Call 888-577-2227 to schedule a free confidential phone or in-person appointment today.