
Reflection on Derek Chauvin Verdict

Published Apr 21, 2021
By: LSS Staff

Dear Friends,

I waited with the rest of the country for the verdict in the murder trial of ex-police officer, Derek Chauvin, which has now been read…Guilty on all three counts.

Around this time one year ago, we all watched with the world as a person, father, son and brother – recklessly and inhumanely lost his life.

This past year of pandemic, along with heightened civil and racial unrest initiated by the senseless murder of George Floyd, has created a tremendous amount of stress especially within communities of color and law enforcement.

Derek Chauvin was held accountable for his actions. The work toward justice for communities of color continues as we strive for a nation that believes in the infinite worth of every life.

I am heartened in seeing – and knowing – that we have come together as a community to courageously lead with compassion, and acknowledge that change must first begin within each of us.

We are a human family of grievers and forgivers, organizers and optimists. I will continue to lean on the Servant-Leadership tenets of awareness, empathy and listening as we co-create to build safe, healthy and thriving communities filled with people using their God-given gifts to serve one another.

Romans 12:5-10 says, “Love must be completely sincere. Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good. Love one another warmly as Christian brothers and sisters, and be eager to show respect for one another.” Let us follow the Floyd family’s lead to love as we commit to new growth of ourselves and others.

Always in peace,


View original message here regarding George Floyd

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